Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Free Family Film Festival

Fun day today! I took my kids to the Free Family Film Festival at the movie theaters with my girlfriends and their kids (ranging in ages from 8 weeks to 4 years!) then came back to my house for lunch and to let the mobile children be mobile.

So what's the deal? Regal Cinemas and I guess any theater with the Regal Entertainment Group offers free movies during the summer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays that start at 10am. Absolutely free! No catch... unless of course your kids sucker you into popcorn, soda & candy (Leah usually suckers me in). Today I was smart and packed some baggies of Goldfish, juice boxes and some blankets (I'm always freezing in the movies!). Usually they offer a G-rated and PG-rated movie, although it looks like my theater is only offering PG for the rest of the summer.

Never taken your little one to the movies?? I have to say the first time I took Leah (last summer) I kept shushing her and was embarrassed she was making so much noise, but really... who's kid wasn't? This was actually baby Keith's second movie, not bad for an 8 week old. I think knowing that my kid isn't the only one squirming in the seat and talking much too loudly for a movie definitely puts me at ease now and I can enjoy it much more. I crack up at the things she says now or when she starts laughing hysterically. Even if I decide that her behavior is out of control... I didn't pay anything to see the movie so it isn't a big deal to get up and leave in the middle of the movie (which we did today).

Show up early... especially if you are picky about your seat. I always forget, and the theater is always packed and there is always a line for food and we end up sitting in the front row. I inevitably leave with a neck cramp.

Don't sit in the middle of the row. I am much more tolerant of people climbing over me when I sit in the aisle, than me dragging my toddler over everyone else for the quick potty run. If you feel the other way, than do the opposite... someone has to sit in the middle.

Grab a booster. Our theater has these awesome booster seats. Leah definitely won't sit on my lap anymore, and now that I have two it just wouldn't work. The boosters have two settings depending on which side you sit on (like boosters in some restaurants) and a cup holder on one side. They are even light enough that I make Leah carry it. The best thing about it... she doesn't get trapped in the seat because she doesn't weigh enough and it snaps up on her (this happened to my sister when we were little... I thoroughly enjoyed it at the time.)

So I might try to take my kids next week by myself, although it was definitely reassuring to know my girlfriends were there if I needed to leave with the baby. However, we did successfully get a feeding in during the movie without any issues. If you're interested, I attached the link to the title or you can check out the Regal Entertainment Website for more information and to find a theater near you.
*Image from Regal Entertainment Group.

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